Real-time Map
- More than 150 people dead after earthquake in Myanmar and Thailand - OregonLive
- Skyscraper collapses during Thailand earthquake - Central Oregon Daily
- Good Morning, News: More Bonkers Signal Chat Stuff, a Rare Oregon Orca Sighting, and Why Aren't Portland Elementary Schools Retrofitted for Earthquakes? - Portland Mercury
- Dozens missing as massive 7.7 quake rocks Myanmar and Thailand -
- Magnitude 6.0 earthquake recorded off Oregon coast Wednesday afternoon - AOL
- Disaster prep advocates face pushback over raising Oregon’s seismic standard for new school construction - Oregon Public Broadcasting
Preparedness and Response
A combination of Preparedness and good engineering standards have saved millions of lives in places with frequent and strong quake activity, all around the world. Many communities in Oregon have high landslide/mudslide/rockslide risks as well. Coastal communities have additional Tsunami flood risks.
Visit Resources/Links page for government links/resources.